21,000 hits

Yay, 21,000 hits!

Star in our Videos!

Hi there,

In my last post, I mentioned Taddle TV, a new club penguin video series coming to youtube! We really need your help with it, I need an editor, and a few presenters to help me out every week, please make sure you have plenty of time on the computer and if you apply, mention a time range that you’d be able to help out. I don’t mind if you’re a member or not, if you’re a non-member, I’d love you to join, non members are always really king compared to some members, not saying that members are mean, just really, if you went a server with an even amount of members and non-members, you’d probably find that the nonmembers are kinder.

Please don’t debate about that, it’s just my opinion, if you do have a different opinion, I’d love you to tell me!

To apply, leave a comment using a valid email address, and in your name box, type in your penguin name, so i’ll be able to easily identify you. Also, don’t apply pretending to be somebody else, if I find this happens with you, I will ban you from visiting this website ever again.

Thanks for reading,


PS: As per usual, if you found the post directly on google, please browse around the site, and feel free to comment with any feedback, questions or anything else you want to say to me, as long as it is suitable, I will reply via email and I’ll add a bold section to your comment with my reply.

Latest EPF field-op walkthrough

Hi there,

Just to let you know, from Monday, we’ll have daily updates!

Anyway, here’s the walk through.

As usual, visit the command room, and click the EPF panel to receive your orders.

This week, we have a serious problem! The beacon light could malfunction at any moment! If that happened, Rockhopper could come and crash again, and if that happens, we have to work instead of play treasure hunt.

First, you need to head over to the beacon, for you newer penguins, this can be done by opening your spy phone and clicking the penguin with swirls on him, then click beacon.

Next, go over to the light switch and your spy phone should start flashing.

Open up your spy phone, and start the game, after this point, I can’t help you, as the game changes round slightly for each different penguin who does it.

Thanks for reading,


PS: If you found this post directly through google please browse he reset of my site, and leave comments on my posts. This doesn’t only get me more hits, but lets me build a community, which I once had, I now wish I didn’t quit this blog for a while.

Thanks for visiting us on theultimatecpblog.wordpress.com

Just to let you know, we’re currently looking for people to star in TaddleTV, a slowly building club penguin video series. Please comment if you’d like to join!

Stamps today!

Today, Club Penguin released STAMPS! They’re so easy to get, I got two when I logged in, simply for having an old penguin!
2 other great ways are astro barrier and thin ice, you don’t need to do anything special, just play properly, and get enough points, and to a high enough level. Tell us what you think!

Stamps coming… tomorrow!

Howdy ya’ll!

Okay, the title says it all really, the stamps are coming tomorrow!

As I always say, pictures are worth a million words, so here’s a picture of what the stamp book will look like

Please visit http://bit.ly/c4PI4L

What do you think of the stamp book?

Also, you will be able to store your pins!

I’ll give you more info on how to find them tomorrow

Taddle IZ OUT!

Club Penguin new EPF mission walkthrough

Hi there,

This post is sooo late, I got annoyed with the game for this weeks mission!

Okay, here’s how it works

First, go to the EPF command room using your spy phone, as image one displays, then head over to the Field Ops panel, as image 2 shows.

When you have clicked continue, carry on to the recycling plant, and go over to the computer, as image 3 shows.

Play the game, and you have now earned yet another medal!

Image two reads:

Calling all agents!

Somebody is using a computer to attack our system! The scanner is holding… for now. Search the island with other agents for the computer responsible then shut it down. You must hurry!

Image 4 reads: Bypass the system!

Match your data with the firewall to break through! Be sharp. The system speeds up!

Taddle’s top tip for the game:

After each match, go back to the middle.

If I’ve made a mistake, or you would like to use any of my media without restrictions and the watermark, leave a comment. Also, what do you think of the new game? I don’t like it myself, I can’t complete it! I might actually make a complaint, for some computers, such as my old laptop, although are very fast, can’t keep up with the game, and it appears to skip frames in the flash movie (that might of seemed geeky for non-flash devs)

Thanks for reading

Taddle Iz Out.

Music Jam over :-(

Hi all,

Unfortunately, the music jam is over now.

That doesn’t mean we can stop partying though! 88more hits (I think) and thery’ll be a giant party! Also, pllllllease continue helping me out by advertising. Also, I get lonely, please comment. I get comments on very rare occasions only.

Taddle iz OUT!


Hi there,

sorry for the late post.

Club Penguin have released that they will be starting stamps!

please enable images

At first, I was confused, then I saw this:

“Lots of you sent in some great guesses about what you thought they might be. Corncand said:

These look like stamps or stickers! My guess is we will have an album to put them im every time we earn them and maybe we will have to do tasks to earn them anyway im excited!”

Well, I’m excited as well! Some people commented on their blog saying they think that they’d have to play games to earn them, and as per usual, they were right! There’s more than that though, you’ll have to work together.

Tell me what you think

-TADDLE iz out!.

Let’s get 21,000

Hey all!

Well, who likes to party? Everyone I guess!

Let’s work together to get 21,000 hits, which means a…. PARTY!

Tell all your friends about this site!

Music Jam 2010 furniture catalog secrets

Hey all,

I’m going to try something different, instead of writing down what’s happening, I’m going to fit the secrets into a video.

Here it is:

Or visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQvfQzSw2kY